Project of intervention: Learning and development by means of playful Nayara C. Baptist: 55890 Natali Faria Hisses. 55878 1-INTRODUCTION the present work is about a referring final report to the period of training supervised in infantile education, a requirement of disciplines of the course of Licenciatura in Infantile Education of the Federal University of Viosa, being the same developed of May the June of 2009. In this work a diagnosis will be presented and characterization of the institution Educational Center Searches carefully, activities planned for five year children of age, activity next to the family and suggestions and consideraes on what it was lived deeply during the period of training. This period of training is of significant importance for our formation, therefore it is a chance to try a possible one reality as infantile educator.
It allows to relate the practical one to the theory and to apply them in benefit of the child. It is a chance to improve and to practise my knowledge on the infantile development. Throughout the period of training we perceive that with regard to the project pedagogical politician it brought some questions that did not respect some laws. This was evident in what the purpose of the institution says respect that in accordance with the PPP is to contribute it welfare state of devoid families, promoting conditions favorable to the development and the auto improvement of its conditions of life, proclaiming the conditional love the creative God, provoked in the person of Jesus Christ. But in accordance with the 9394/96 LDB Art-2 the education, duty of the family and the state, inspired in the principles of freedom and the ideas of solidarity human being, has for purpose the full development of educating, its preparation for the exercise of the citizenship and its qualification for the work.