Gypsy Tarot

The Egyptian tarot and tarot gitano presents great similarity in characteristics of their major arcana. Except for some detail, it could be said that they are the same. What differs in higher degree of a tarot is the way in which the reading of letters is carried out. Something that has a lot to do with spiritual, social transformations and thought that mediate between the origin of the Egyptian tarot and more contemporary perspective of the Gypsy tarot. Today, the Egyptian tarot is a tarot for initiates, who has studied and understands the religious and philosophical tradition of that civilization. The Gypsy tarot, in contrast, serves today who eventually carried out the Egyptian tarot: provide Council, teachings and helps consultants today, with their concerns, hopes and concerns, with recognizable concepts and in a language that is familiar to them. For example take the arcane Tower, 16th.

Egyptian Tarot, has another name: the fragility. Thus embarks on a central concept of the Egyptian religion: the notion of transit, the idea that life is only a short step and death, an essential condition for the evolution of beings and of the entire universe. The appearance of this deck in Chuck speaks then of transformation by suffering, able to shake the consciousness and wake her up. Thus emphasizes the need to recognize the vain glory of intellectual conquests and to lead efforts to spiritual growth. This arcane speaks also a time of duplicity, of moments of happiness that intermingle with each other’s pain. For the Gypsy tarot, the Tower also symbolizes relentless divine designs, but from a different approach. The Tower there, speaks of a person who clings to things, people, or situations of the past, without understanding that his cycle has come to an end, that everything has ended and it is time to let them go. It can be a job, a friendship, or someone who clings to a couple who obviously already does not love him.

When they refuse to acknowledge these realities only leads them to the reiteration of the same situations of suffering again and again. Mainly because, in the end, Nobody manages to escape from what they should be. The Gypsy Tarot cards reading thus reinterpreted the essence of this arcane to provide guidance and advice in a very current problem.