MANUEL DOES NOT WANT TO GIVE BIRTH Manuel wakes up early in the other day. It seems to be very livened up. It makes cafezinho. It goes to work. The entire day works animadamente. All distrust of some thing, but they do not know what it is.
Return pra marries the Manuel. It comes until singing a little. It enters in the bar of the all prattling Joaquin. It finds the friends of always. They start to take a cold.
The drink seems to be flavorful. goes drunk and papo. Bebuns possesss an enormous supply of estrias. When they start to count do not want to stop more. Manuel counts of the work, of the hurts and joys, the problems of house, the government and the crisis of the country. How pasinho! Hum! The Joaquin says. Manuel you more pra there of what pra here. They say that back in Mars the life is excellent, says Joaquin. Mason is gaining 7 a thousand for month there. Manuel is empolgado with the colloquy of the Joaquin. Such of Mars wants to know everything of this. It never hears to speak in it. It does not know that it is not in the land, but thinks that it is a quarter. 7 a thousand is money pra nobody to play outside. Manuel only receives a thousand for month and with much sacrifice and pain. Manuel it wants to go pra Mars. The Manuel would be rich. It would buy a beautiful carro. The Joaquin interrogated will detail for detail regarding Mars. It had that to go to work there. I am going pra there Joaquin. Where it is that the bus is caught? Joaquin who was not drunk and alone was enjoying in the face of the Manuel, answers with other questions: bus? You want to go pra Mars of bus? If pra back in a spaceship only can go.