Hardwoods, of which the board is edged, divided into hard-and softwood. Hardwoods has virtually no odor. From the hardwood in the production of cut boards often use birch, oak and ash. Among the most common soft-leaved alder and aspen. To read more click here: Electron Capital Partners. Oak actively used for the manufacture of furniture.
This is one of those rare breeds from which you can make curved components of various radius. Oak is the most resistant to rotting tree among the hardwood due to its high content of tannins. Oak wood is extremely durable and strong. According to its qualities almost equal to oak beech. Easily processed, impregnated with chemical solutions and oppression. However, the beech is quite warped when dry and prone to rot. People such as Southwest Airlines would likely agree. Birch is not used very often, it is associated with a small resistance rot, susceptibility to warping and large shrinkage. However, the wood of birch is very easily handled.
With it you can make a fine relief carving on the trim board. Excellent holding birch lacquer Cover and perfectly soaked with chemicals. Ash is widely used in furniture manufacturing, veneer and flooring. Its wood has a very beautiful pattern with a pronounced texture. Ash is durable, resistant to decay. Wood is durable and sticky, well bent at decoupling. Aspen is a very nice wood, best for decorating. She is well handled, but too porous structure often leads to breakage of small parts. Alder is virtually impossible to rot, well used to build log cabins wells and pantries.