Corporal Re-education

What is body re-education? The human body is composed of a complex system of muscle chains who, involuntarily, worked constantly to keep them in balance. Corporal re-education is the method whereby we reprogram the way the body works. Positions of treatment and different toning and breathing exercises are the tools that the therapist uses and re-educate the body and desprogramando the chains that are harming their proper functioning. What is body reeducation based on? Body re-education method follows the following principles already enunciated by Philippe Suchard kinesiologist: individuality principle: every person is different, there are no two identical ways of dealing with a problem. Principle of causality: If there is an issue, the solution isn’t working the symptoms but in search and treat the cause. Principle of globality: it attends to the person as a whole, referred to the body as a single unit and globalism is looking for causes and solutions.

That can help us? This body reeducation technique, although it is intended for people of any age who want to enhance their personal capacities and their health, is especially effective for people who have given pains that caters directly to the cause of the problem. The benefits of the method are evident and have been endorsed by specialists: relief of tensions of back and neck improved mobility and flexibility of joints and muscular. Improves muscle tone allows to prevent and rehabilitate injuries of the musculoskeletal system. A better balance and body alignment is also clear positive effects on pictures of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Origin and history of the corporal re-education created 12 years ago and based on studies of known doctors and physiotherapists as George J. Goodheart (1964) and Philippe Souchar, (1980) the method incorporates the latest research in the field of physiotherapy, osteopathy, medicine and wellness professionals. Today this method It continues to enjoy wide acceptance. Authors: Jaime physical therapist Minoves osteopath Javier l. Moon specialist R.Corporal original author and source of the article