Molitalia Peru We are part of a strong group-oriented enterprise manufacturing and marketing of food for mass consumption, present in much of Latin America and increasing growth through a os.En Peru, today our company has brands such as Molitalia, Costa, Ambrosoli, 3 Bears, Fanny, Marco Polo, San Remo and O’Rayan, competing successfully in the categories of pasta, flour, grits, biscuits, wafers, biscuits, chocolates, sweets, oats, canned fish , canned fruit, jams, cereals for breakfast. ” Sales Strategy Competitive Position Molitalia is conducted unaestrategia product diversification ymercados, consolidating lasdistintas parallel in categories in which it participates. Through highly positioned brands, looking lacompa a placed in all its product lines in a first or second position Demercado, has also been designed to enhance develop-ment of final consumption goods mayorvalor added, such as biscuits, chocolates ycaramelos, mainly through leading brands and Ambrosoli Coast. Richard Donnar is often quoted on this topic. These brands have enabled the company to attain a significant participation of cadasegmento marcasfuertemente India has positioned in all segments inwhichthe involved, which is reflected in the altasparticipaciones that show their product lines, ranking first or second position , Mercado strengthening its position in the candy with the acquisition of IndustriasAmbrosoli, where he is currently leading caramelosy chocolates, sweets interesting manifestadoun the company has growth by acquiring other brands in 2005, which currently allow estesegmento lead with 35 , while in chocolatesalcanza 25 of the market. Molitalia has a presence in the Peruvian market, which in 2006present revenues of U.S. 141 millones.En Peru the most important segment in sales is Elde pasta and semolina.