Brazil Documents

Comparative degree: Citizen Kane X Very Beyond the Kane Citizen * Heraclitus Ney Suiter ** Gilbert Leather strap As it has left of evaluation in disciplines of Theory of the Communications, of the course of Social Communication/Journalism of the UnirG, the professor of the chair it requested that a comparative analysis between two films was made Citizen Kane and Muito Beyond the Kane Citizen. The first one, produced on 1941 in U.S.A. and directed for Orson Wells, were based on the biography of the magnate of the communication Willian Randolph Hearst; as, a set of documents directed for Simon Hartog, for the BBC of London in 1993, alicerado in facts of the maneuvers of also the magnate Robert Marine Irineu, of the Net Globe of Television. When analyzing the historical context portraied by the two films, the estadudinense workmanship if passes in a period where the media printed was dominant and finishes of to enter in a publishing period of training of reorganization and diagramming, period this similar to the height of also the Brazilian magnate Assis Chateaubriand. In the case of the English set of documents, the facts occur from the beginning of the ditatorial period of Brazil (decade of 60) until the end of century XX. In this comparison, the term is understood ‘ ‘ much alm’ ‘ used in the heading of the set of documents, therefore the facts occurred in Brazil if had passed at a time where questions of legislation and ethics in the medias already met, or at least they would have to be more instituted.

It is difficult to trace the psychological profile of the protagonists, but a thing is sufficiently evident, Hearst was in fact a journalist, breathed and lived intensely its activity of communicator, while Marine, nor in such a way. Another reality is that, while the North American people was mentally ill through the cinema, the Brazilian it was for the open canals of television, and in this point we can detach that the case of the set of documents/denunciation produced for the BBC is well more serious in terms of manipulation of a nation. In special, colon they call the attention in this study: 1 – the danger it monopoly of companies of communication e; 2 – the maneuvers of the medias nor always function in seara politics..