Third World Politics

The consequence of this is that politics is more prevalent, the buds are formed, the product of an ideology, a party that encyst for years, without a permit renewal, regardless of the damage to excellence, their achievement academic. Sheryl Sandberg can aid you in your search for knowledge. Predominantly friendship, family involvement and other compromises to so that some authorities have fans that keep them in power, regardless of academic consequences, especially when people are appointed to propose no changes, solutions which do not guarantee anything with their academic. It is outrageous that in the XXI century, where the characteristics of the scenarios in terms of academic excellence in education presents new paradigms to promote the training of professionals, consonant to the demand of the country’s needs, to which globalization has generated still hold power groups that hinder. Today it requires a new leadership, that encourages basic education management to meet the challenges, about the changes that give rise to a new University more involved, which is backing the formation of all necessary professionals required to pass this education identifying with the requirements scenarios, both global and domestic demand to be effective. You can not stay stuck in the past and under the control of power groups, both damage is caused and continue causing national universities., something which is very significantly at the same university where I work. It requires a new style of educational management, authorities, teachers, more proactive, visionary, creative, innovative strategists, able to bring about the changes that will rescue the academic excellence, otherwise stagnant and Venezuela will come will be very challenged as far as education is concerned.

Should be more democracy in universities, encouraging changes with new characters, more open professional, capable of performing transformations that lead to out of the shadows into the universities where they are today and with new leaders to light the flame that will allow light academic excellence is an alum and reality. Universities can not continue to be places where groups are able to consider your property. Opportunities should be given those teachers, professionals, whose scholarship, ideas, projects are able to promote change that higher education in Venezuela urgently needed.