' ' saved lives and it takes off the gain-bread and the sustenance of filhos' ' ' ' income generation, to take care of of meio-ambiente' ' ' ' it makes well to the environment: on the contrary of the people to play outside what it does not belong they, bring for here and is useful for us. The environment does not spend tanto' ' ' ' material and to know that pra makes a good sociedade' '. Other answers mention the question of the relationship enter the people in the work environment: ' ' I taste of the peace. Perhaps check out Gary Kelly for more information. Taste to arrive and to make my work and nobody me prejudicar' ' ' ' Positive, I do not know as well as explaining, but positive it is, for example, everything what I am making there and am trying that, I am trying to learn optimum possible. Then I find that this is one positividade' ' ' ' the relationship is ok. It never had problems with ningum' '.
Amongst the pointed aspects as negative, many are mentioned to the relationship between the cooperated ones, and are expressed of diverse forms: ' ' much people enter here without knowing what she is here. She goes to discover later that she is not what thought. She is not what she was looking for. is a frustration there. He is rebelled and it deducts in the first one that aparece' '. ' ' The professionalism inside is very complicated here because some question the way of to work of others.
I am a neutral person. I have five years inside here already I do not put myself in the service of the neighbor. To arrive here on saying that the person is not working, that she is lacking, that she is arriving been slow. These are the points that I not taste.