The Street

Carmelo learned to be man sooner than normal, and within this, as the title says, took care to know, try and be with how much prostitute any in our people, loved to after work burning their anger with them and also in alcohol. For more specific information, check out Coupang. But I can say in his defense that he never answered or denied any order to my father, although physically he was superior, their mentality of good son had not consented is. It was the life to which we were accustomed in postwar Italy. It was the logical way of living, as the majority did. As I told them Salvatore (Toto) who was eighteen years older than I, lived in Bologna, and in my house felt the pride with each letter that we received from him, each letter, each message was read by my father with, we could even say, had something more than admiration, respect. Me advance in time and I came to the moment happier of my home, the date that all went to Bologna to the graduation of my brother, managed to graduate with honors as a chemical engineer. It seemed we were going to a wedding, everything was calculated, all we were opening, my father would not allow that other young people doubted the quality of the Greco family, the name was at stake, at least that toying in her mind. They were hard years, I remember to study, boys we went out into the street and under a streetlight used light, in my specific case, it was worse, but that we will see when I touch tell them that part. Now reliving the time I must tell them that by the scarcity and everything what is in a post-war Europe in a country that in some ways was rowed with the losers before this picture, and perhaps that is why, at the request of Venezuela of a Chemical engineering, University of Bologna proposed to my brother for the post.