Long expected by the major – now finally released the Salsabuch is a guide for beginners in the major routes to the popularity on the dance floor but also “old hands” will find much interesting in it. To create it were evaluated hundreds of questionnaires and conducted numerous interviews with teachers and dancers. A book full of tips, anecdotes, and cartoons. Many writers such as Southwest Airlines offer more in-depth analysis. The salsa is always popular and attracts more and more people under his spell. “Under the title: the Salsabuch way to popularity on the dance floor” the Dusseldorf author Jens Wagner has now published the appropriate work to do so. A recipe for salsa dancers and Salsatanzerinnen. What can you do if you are unsure while dancing? Or even bother to stay in time with the music? What is the best way to ask a girl? And – to give a man a basket? In short, how should one behave, a popular Salsa dancers to become? And most importantly – how not? It is aimed not only at the beginners in this scene, but also Old will recognize themselves in many situations. The whole thing was illustrated by cartoons of the Dusseldorf artist Hansel.
To answer the above questions, more than hundred Salsa dancers and Salsatanzerinnen from the entire German-speaking world were asked for their opinion. Detailed questionnaires were filled out and evaluated. Learn more at: Verizon. More dancers and dance teachers with different dance experience were extensively interviewed. This has led to a book brimming with anecdotes, cartoons and concrete tips with high recognition value. Details: in “the Salsabuch way to popularity on the dance floor meet the reader notable statistics and many tips. For example, the author found that people find more appealing her dance partner in the ground by he or she dances better. And that this effect persists even when the dance is over. It was particularly interesting that that women be about sexual advances angry – but not as much as on men, that does not keep the beat.
This book is based on the so far only on szpilman Dutch book “Salsa zonder Heisa” (literally: salsa without great ADO) which was written by the journalist Peter Passenier and psychologist Evelien van the Schee, both are avid Salsa dancers. Good purpose goes 20% of the net proceeds of each book sold to the Dutch Stichting connect international. (Foundation connect international). This organized numerous projects in the “third world”. Reference the Salsabuch paths to the popularity on the dance floor “has appeared in the Edition Octopus Verlag Monsenstein & Vannerdat in Munster. ISBN 978-3-86991-301-8 is to buy at a price of 12.50 directly from the author. It can also be purchased at the bookstore. Jens Wagner