Thomas Samuel. The structures of the scientific revolutions. 9. Ed. So Paulo: Perspective publishing company, 2005. REALE, Giovanni. ANTISERI, Dario. History of the philosophy: of the romantismo until our days. Volume 3. So Paulo: Paulinas editions, 1991. SEDOR, Ggi Anne Horbatiuk. Thomas S. Kuhn: exploring the world scientific. Florianpolis: Edition of the author, 2006. NOTES: Among the authors who work the conceptual definition of paradigm FREIRE-MAIA (ibid.) detaches Margaret Masterman cited in the workmanship ‘ ‘ Critical and the development of cincia’ ‘ , of Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgarve in the chapter the nature of the paradigms. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck (1744-1829), botanical and zologo Frenchman, specialist in invertebrates, that one of the first theories of the evolution formulated. Its contribution to science includes works in meteorology, botany, chemistry, geology and paleontology, but it more is known by its work in zoology of invertebrates for its reflections on the evolution. It published an impressive workmanship in seven volumes, Histoire Naturelle DES animaux sans vertbres (natural History of the invertebrate animals, 1815-1822). Lamarck got little recognition while she lived. Its theories alone had been taken the serious one in the second half of century XIX. It died poor and blind, in Paris, in 18 of December of 1829. Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882), British scientist who created the bases of the modern theory of the evolution, when presenting the concept of that all the life forms if had developed in a slow process of natural election. Its work had a decisive influence on the different ones disciplines in general scientific and on the modern thought. After graduating itself Cambridge, in 1831, the Darwin young embarked, to the 22 years, in the ship of recognition HMS Beagle, as naturalistic without remuneration, to around undertake a scientific expedition of the world.