SaS Project

The total sales growth for SaS, by 75 per cent new customers and existing customers. In addition to customer and revenue growth genius advanced inside 2011 its product portfolio to the in house solution genius project enterprise. This solution provides an install on your own servers of the company with full use of all existing instruments and provides strict security rules for this. For 2012, genius expects inside again to double the SaS sales, again to increase yields resulting from the on-premise solution 25 per cent, to increase business revenue from the activities in the Asian market, and to open a new Office in Singapore to show more presence in Asia. “2013 the IT market watchers IDC expects that the $ 4.2 billion line is cracked on the PPM software market. I think that we are on the way there”based on our experience by 2011, says Christophe Borlat, Director of sales and marketing at genius inside. Companies use the economic situation as an impulse to to take their project management processes more closely scrutinized. In the framework of which companies have a special focus on creativity, efficiency and productivity and opt for solutions such as genius project more and more, to meet the high requirements.” With the genius inside project management software products developed around genius project, company product ideas to prioritize and manage, make sure that the best resources working on the most promising projects, and easier to reach a timely project completion.

Genius project enterprise, genius project Domino and genius project-on-demand support the entire life cycle of a Neuproduktentwicklungs project and offer cross-site project teams for this powerful Web-based capabilities, configurable dashboards and reports, as well as a powerful workflow engine that was developed for the link with the business structure of a company. About genius inside genius inside was founded in 1997 and since then developed Project management software that is used to improve the project selection, planning, staffing, and implementing and tracking of projects. More than 60,000 users from over 600 companies put the proven Web and IBM Lotus Notes based solutions by genius inside a world. Genius inside is supported by a global network of offices in Europe and North America. More about genius inside you will find here: on the Internet: PM box project management blog: pmbox.