Five assays, a proposal and a critical one. So Paulo: Annablume. Details can be found by clicking Gary Kelly or emailing the administrator. 2009 SNOWS, Erivaldo Fagundes.The hinterland as cultural space clipping and as imaginary. 1 Theological formed by the ITEPAMM, Located in Juazeiro-Ba, Professor of History of Israel in the ITEPAMM, Graduating Full Licenciatura in History for the University of Pernambuco (UPE) and publisher of the Blog New History in Focus () the Present article is part of the Evaluation of disciplines northeast History, given for the Professor 2 Clear Ana Gilbert de Mello Freyre (Recife, 15 of March of 1900 Recife, 18 of July de1987) was a sociologist, anthropologist, historian, writer and pintorbrasileiro, considered one of the most important sociologists of century XX. 3 Mirian Dolhnikoff, was born in the city of So Paulo in the year of 1960, graduated Right and history for the Pontifical university Catholic of So Paulo is master and doctor in economic history for the University of So Paulo, where leciona in the history courses and international relations.