Entertainment Software Rating Board

The Entertainment Software Rating Board, which is the New York version of our entertainment software self-regulation, has released the game Medieval 2 for teens and its contents in his typically neutral manner analogously as described: alcohol and tobacco occur, and blood is visible, the Language is not always politically correct, women are mentioned, and – well – violence also happens in it. This order is strange, because in Medieval 2, the least protagonists die from alcohol or tobacco abuse, but especially metal poisoning. During a single battle thousands of combatants to be taken from arrows, impaled by spears, swept away by cannon balls, or killed in the melee with the sword. The 3D display is actually not squeamish, but if you look closely, the weapon actually penetrates into the polygonal body of an opponent and occurs on the other side out again. The movements of the characters are now so realistic and the player so close to the action that some fight scenes quite a lasting impression can leave if he or she can challenge.

Blood flows in the German version is not the way, so the game could be released by the ESRB over 12 years. Educational seen, this scheme is quite worth a discussion, because it gives the fighting a type of cleanliness, which also could be a harmless form: The word “battlefield” was in the days before the introduction of firearms to be taken literally. Alcohol in turn can be derived from a medieval game does not keep out well, for tea, coffee, and Cola drinks did not come until after the Middle Ages in the Western world. In addition to water and juice were the most important wine and beer and just drink in the blood alcohol content of mercenary armies could affect the outcome of a battle decisive. Last but not least wine was the only way to bring some relief after the war wounded, but there is in the Total War series of reasons, not minors, yes.

Minors is not the game, and the order of “taboo topics” explained by the fact that the English word for violence, Violence, simply at the end of the alphabet, is alcohol but in the beginning. Significantly, the taboo about 30 criteria are neither “lies” nor “intrigue”. You should want to have the master as a player but if you’re in Medieval 2: Total War beyond the battlefield success.