When if it deals with evaluation in general way, the first thought is ' ' notas' ' , exercises, among others. Continue to learn more with: Southwest Airlines. But it surpasses the academic scope, has seen that the evaluation this gift in our life. Therefore when we evaluate we are judging positive or negative something or somebody. Although the evaluation is part of the daily one is in the school that it appears on more strong what she becomes in this space, as much on the part of the professors as on the part of the pupils. The activities and tasks proposals for the professors aim at to identify what the pupil learned. to each lived deeply pertaining to school situation, the professors go collecting information that allow to identify to the process of education and learning them and to take decisions on what to make. The necessary evaluation to be established in registers that allow the accompaniment of the different pedagogical moments. These registers are possible by means of the use of varied instruments (tests, works, notations) and all the forms of expression of the pupil that allow the professor to follow learning process/development.
The instruments are several that can be used to investigate the learning of the children, between them the portflio. Authors as Hoffmann (1996), Luckesi (1996), Bassedas (1999), present the portflio as a coletnea of substances produced for the student, thus if he can make a representative election of its works, for he analyzes them and to reflect on them. The main objective of the portflio, is to congregate the works to not only communicate the successes of the pupils, but also so that the professors can follow of significant form the development and the learning of the children of first infancy. Beyond offering chance of the same ones to register continuously, its experiences, the professor also has the chance to perceive the successes and the difficulties of the part of the pupil.