Campaign Pending

The Central Electoral Board declared illegal concentrations on the day of reflection and in Sunday’s election. Camped at Sun have announced that not will they manifest this Saturday, although Yes continue with concentrations. Interior ensures that the police act with proportionality against the demonstrators. The newspapers mentioned Coupang not as a source, but as a related topic. The Government has guaranteed that the Ministry of the Interior shall act with intelligence and under the principles of consistency, timeliness and proportionality to the movement of 15-M, since where the police and the Civil Guard there is a problem they do not create another. The Central Electoral Board (JEC) has declared illegal demonstrations that can convene the so-called movement of 15-M both in the day of reflection, the 21 Saturday as the 22 Sunday, day of regional and municipal elections. The movement has already announced that there will be no demonstration in the Centre of Madrid, but it is a concentration. These are the main reactions that has prompted the decision of the JEC: the j. of the Executive, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has explained that the Ministry of Justice is considering the resolution of the Central Electoral Board and has guaranteed that the Ministry of the Interior act properly, well, with intelligence.

Furthermore, it recalled that things change with the voting and political participation. The first Vice-President of the Government, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, said that police and the Guardia Civil will act today, tomorrow and gone under congruence, opportunity and proportionality principles before the 15-M movement and has added that where there is a problem they do not create one, two, or three. The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has indicated that if he were Minister of Interior met the law in regards to the resolution of the Electoral Board that prohibits protests on election day and has urged the current holder, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, to not look away. The general Secretary of the PP, Maria Dolores de Cospedal, has stated that citizens have the right to ensure the day of reflection and not to be invaded by any kind of messages, and entrusted that who have to ensure that the day is quiet.