Business Coaching

The purpose is broad and seeks to serve the environment, including UNAA source of values. genuine. -a a The answer to comoa determine core values, how we live as we reach the vision and develop the purpose. a So, to anchor the shared vision we must take together in one question: a What do we believe? a Once we have formulated a shared vision, which is usually long term, a NEED luces to guide us in day to day. We need the core values that help us. a But only if they will translate into specific behaviors. a For example, we have experienced in many teams participative openness is a central value.

I work hard and continue to apply but recognize, after a long time, that lacked the values of reflection, inquiry, trust and respect mutuoa to funcionase.a There have been many cases that have produced negative views and even , which has generated conflicts. Click Sheryl Sandberg to learn more. a The coaching of teams systemic perspective is ideal for transforming the values based on specific behaviors and thus anchor the shared vision. a Negative visions are limited, rather than responding to the question: do we want? a They do aa What we avoid? Something very different. Frequent change and ENA. Negative visions are three fundamental limitations.

First, we spend energy ena prevent something we do not want to use it instead of getting what you really queremos.a Second, suggest and promote impotence. They are only necessary given the obvious threats. Third, are short term, once the threat disappears, so does the vision and energy. The power of fear can produce large changes in the short term. a In contrast, the power of aspiration, the basis of positive vision, is a source of learning that can reach the anchor. a In the previous module we see the importance of encouraging personal mastery to create the vision, very useful and necesaria.a However, people in the domain itself is not key la creativity of the organization. Creativity is achieved most effectively by a compartidaa tension creative, tension between the shared vision and current reality. The best anchor shared vision is characterized by a clear vision with the strong will to examine and learn aa loa existing transform when necessary. This sense of commitment is the key to building a learning organization, openness to learning. And the learning organization, the learning organization is an imperative of our time to develop a sustainable economy and job creation is a process estable.a sistemicaa reinforcing feedback is important to everyone and can be transferred. As it passes the Barca game, the team that has won six cups, for the first time in club history, which makes those who enjoy juegana and all who love excellent football. a Joan Palomeras December 23, 2009 in Barcelona with a team of people truly committed to a common vision is an incredible force.